When: March 2011
When: Many times since me and Kenji met in 2008
Where: Closest location is in Namba by Nankai station 大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY南館1F
What: Udon! The set lunch or dinner is great. There are a lot of udon to choose from (kitsune, curry, zaru, etc) plus you get a choice of rice (don't care for the red bean rice myself) and tempura. I like the zaru udon because I can order extra and it comes in a stacked box. The chubby kitty mascot appears on their dishes and you can buy souvenirs at the register if you like. Not expensive at all.
When: Osaka city, south west of Namba station.
大阪市浪速区稲荷1-10-20 Phone: 06-4392-8877
What: First of all, the crazy decor is what caught my eye. It's like a kitschy Indian restaurant on acid, with the crazy lighting, giant Ganesh statue and various draperies. The food here is called soup curry, so it's like extra spicy broth with noodles, veggies and meat of your choice, kind of a choose your own adventure type of meal. There was a little chart on our table of spiciness so you could choose the strength of your curry. Being the wuss that I am, I chose the lowest level, "Awakening", which was nice with beef. Kenji gambled and took level 4, "Nirvana". Took him ages to sweat through his bowl! And I don't to imagine how hot level 6, "Aumair" (or Almair?), would be. Plus, we also had lovely kebabs and Kenji and his friend ordered the sparkly sundaes.
Food I have eaten and possibly loved. This is mostly for me to remember where I ate and if it was ok.